
What Freeze Drying Does to Candy

What Freeze Drying Does to Candy

Indulging in a piece of candy is like embarking on a sensory journey. 

Imagine the chewiness of a gummy bear, the gooeyness of caramel, or the sticky sweetness of a fruit chew exploding with flavor and making you crave more. 

But did you know you can take this confectionary experience to a new level of excitement? With the help of freeze-drying, you can turn your favorite candies into a brand-new treat!

While freeze-drying is often associated with preserving fruits and vegetables, it also does wonders with candy. Removing moisture inside the candy gives you a more concentrated flavor that bursts in your mouth. 


The Science of Freeze-Drying Candy 

freeze dried gummies

Freeze-drying candy is like a culinary hack that turns ordinary candy into extraordinary delights. By balancing the right amount of temperature and pressure, freeze drying pulls out moisture from the candy through a vacuum.

Like other freeze-dried food, candies are first frozen to solidify their moisture content. Then, under reduced pressure, the ice molecules sublimate, turning ice molecules into vapor and escaping from the candy without causing damage to its structure.

By removing moisture without subjecting them to high temperatures, freeze-drying preserves the integrity of the candy's flavor while creating a unique texture that's light, airy, and crunchy. 


What Freeze-Drying Does to Candy 

gummy bear vs freeze dried gummy bear

Have you ever wondered what will happen to a candy when freeze-dried? Freeze-drying transforms your favorite candies in surprising ways.

You’ll probably not look at them the same as before, and the experience will probably make you want them in freeze-dried mode rather than their regular form. 


Popular Freeze-Dried Candies 

freeze dried candies in an air tight container

If you’re considering experimenting with freeze-drying candy, note that not all candies are created equal.

While some treats undergo a remarkable transformation, others may not fare as well due to their fat content. Here are some candies that freeze-dry particularly well:

  • Fruit-Based Candies: Think Skittles and similar fruit-flavored treats. When freeze-dried, these candies achieve a crisp texture and boast intensified fruit flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. 
  • Gummy Candies: Gummy worms, gummy bears, and jelly beans are prime candidates for freeze-drying. They become crisp and infused with a more concentrated flavor profile that elevates their overall appeal. 
  • Hard Candies: When freeze-dried, hard candies undergo a textural transformation, becoming crispy while losing their sticky consistency. They're versatile enough to be enjoyed as standalone treats or decorative cake elements when crumbled.
  • Marshmallows: Freeze-dried marshmallows offer a unique twist on this classic treat. With a crisp texture, they're perfect for adding to cakes or as souvenirs or gifts.
  • Pop Rocks: These fizzy candies are ideal for freeze-drying as they retain intense flavor but lose their stickiness, making them a fun and crunchy snack option.
  • Chewy Candies: When freeze-dried, taffy and similar chewy candies expand and become more crispy. The result is a delightful blend of texture and flavor that adds an extra dimension to these beloved treats.
  • Cotton Candy: Freeze-drying maintains the melt-in-your-mouth sensation of cotton candy in a crisp package.
  • Now, you shouldn’t limit yourself to these options, as you should consider experimenting with other candies and see if you achieve desirable results. 


    How to Freeze Dry Candy at Home Using a Freeze Dryer

    skittles candy

    Remember that childhood dream of inventing your own candy? Freeze-drying lets you do just that—well, almost! It takes your favorite treats and transforms them into something entirely new and exciting. Imagine biting into a gummy bear that's light and airy, or savoring a piece of chocolate that melts on your tongue with an explosion of flavor.

    It may sound like something out of Willy Wonka's factory, but with a freeze dryer machine, you can create these magical treats yourself!

    If you're eager to try freeze-drying candies, it’s not as complicated as one might think. With the right equipment and some knowledge of the techniques, you can freeze-dry candy in the comfort of your home. 

    We have a more detailed guide on how to freeze dry candy, but here are the simple steps to follow on how you can make your own delicious freeze-dried candy treats using a freeze dryer: 

    Step 1: Candy Selection

    Pick your favorites! Consider bite-sized pieces or pre-freezing softer candies for even drying.

    Step 2: Prep Your Freeze Dryer:

    Follow your machine's instructions. Some models may require pre-freezing the trays.

    Step 3: Activate "Candy Mode"

    Many freeze dryers have a "Candy Mode" setting. This optimizes drying temperature and time for candy, often skipping a pre-freeze step. Check your machine's manual for details.

    Step 4: Load the Candy

    Carefully arrange your candy pieces on the freeze dryer trays, ensuring they don't touch.

    Step 5: Start the Cycle

    If you are using the Candy Mode, follow those settings. Otherwise, use the recommended settings for freeze-drying candy in your machine's manual. The process typically takes 24 hours or more.

    Once the cycle is complete, your freeze-dried candy is ready! Store them in an airtight container for long-lasting freshness.


    How to Freeze Dry Candy at Home Without a Freeze Dryer

    freeze dried candy

    Ever wondered how to make that freeze-dried candy you see in stores without a fancy machine? Well, we've got a cool trick for you - all you need is some dry ice!

    Here are the things you need: 

    • Your favorite candy (bite-size is best for faster drying)
    • Dry ice (be careful, wear gloves!)
    • A cooler
    • A regular freezer bag (optional, for some candies)

    Step 1: Break Candy Into Smaller Pieces

    For faster drying, break your candy into smaller pieces. Softer candies might like a quick chill in the freezer first, just to stay nice and solid during the experiment. Hard candies can skip this step. 

    Step 2: Put Dry Ice in the Cooler

    Fill your cooler with dry ice, then put the candy bag right in the middle. Surround it with dry ice—on the sides, under it, even a little on top.

    But here's the important part: don't seal the cooler! Dry ice builds up pressure, and a sealed cooler might turn into a surprise rocket (not the fun kind).

    Step 3: Leave for 48 Hours

    Let your candy and dry ice hang out for 48 hours. The dry ice will do its thing, sucking out the moisture and giving your candy that almost-freeze-dried texture.

    Step 4: Enjoy Your Candy Creations!

    After 48 hours, your DIY freeze-dried candy is ready! It might not look exactly like store-bought stuff, but that's because the process is a little different. This trick is all about getting a similar texture at home.

    A real freeze dryer is the best way to go, but this method lets you experiment with your favorite candies without breaking the bank!


    4 Reasons Why You Should Try Freeze-Dried Candy

    Freeze-dried candy isn't just candy anymore; it's an explosion of taste and texture unlike anything you've ever experienced. Here's why you should jump on the freeze-dried candy bandwagon:

    1. It's Fun!

    Forget the predictable chew of a gummy bear or the expected melt of a chocolate chip. Freeze-drying takes your favorite candies on a wild textural adventure! 

    It's a brand new way to experience the candies you know and love, keeping your taste buds guessing and your snacking experience exciting.

    2. Flavor Surprise

    The freeze-drying process gently removes moisture from the candy, concentrating its natural flavors. That means the sweet, fruity punch of your favorite Skittles gets even punchier, and the rich chocolatey goodness of a M&M transforms into an intense burst of cocoa delight.

    It's like rediscovering your favorite candies all over again, with their original flavors amplified and ready to tantalize your taste buds.

    3. Snacking Redefined

    Freeze-dried candy is the ultimate on-the-go treat. Gone are the days of sticky fingers and messy backpacks. Thanks to the freeze-drying magic, your candy becomes lightweight and mess-free. 

    Plus, their concentrated sweetness means you only need a small amount to satisfy your cravings, making them a guilt-free indulgence for any time of day.

    4. Endless Possibilities

    The beauty of freeze-dried candy lies in its versatility. It's not just about transforming classic candies. Think of freeze-dried sour belts for a pucker-inducing punch or freeze-dried yogurt drops for a tangy, creamy delight.

    The possibilities are endless! Unleash your inner candy scientist and experiment with different treats to discover your own unique freeze-dried favorites.


    Where to Find Freeze-Dried Candy

    candy shop

    You now know what to expect when you eat freeze-dried candy. Now, where can you get a hold of these treats? 

    Local Candy Stores

    You can check out local candy stores. With its increasing popularity, many local vendors have stocked this confectionery innovation.You can also check local trade fairs since many home businesses peddle their goods in these locations.

    Online Candy Stores

    Craving freeze-dried candy right now? A quick social media search can connect you with vendors offering a variety of delicious options. You can also check out online stores like Sweety TreatyCo and The Freeze Dried Candy Store for freeze-dried treats!

    home made freeze dried candies in a jar

    Make Your Own!

    But if you want to take matters into your own hands, you can make them at home with a freeze dryer.

    If you’re kind of sold on this concept, a freeze dryer is worth considering, as it also has other applications for home users. With a range of home freeze-dryer models available on the market, there's a perfect option to suit every budget and space requirement.

    From preserving seasonal fruits to creating unique candy creations, the possibilities are almost unlimited if you buy a freeze-dryer. You can even start a freeze-drying food business to allow a faster return on investment



    Freeze-drying works wonders on your favorite candies, transforming them into delightful treats that will tantalize your taste buds and elevate your snacking experience. The concentration of natural sweetness intensifies the flavor, resulting in a burst of taste with each bite.

    Ready to make freeze-dried candies? Here are helpful guides: 

    So what are you waiting for? Embrace the joy of freeze-dried candy and treat yourself to a snacking experience. Get ready to indulge in crispy, flavorful confections that will leave you craving more. 


    Frequently Asked Questions About Freeze Drying Candy

    Does freeze-drying change the flavor of candy at all?
    Generally, no. Freeze-drying removes water but preserves most of the flavor compounds. In fact, some people find the flavor more intense due to the concentrated taste.
    What kind of candies are best suited for freeze-drying?
    Freeze-drying works well for candies with a high moisture content like gummy candies, sour belts, and some chocolates. Candies with a low moisture content, like hard candies, may not transform as dramatically.
    How does the texture of freeze-dried candy differ from regular candy?
    Freeze-dried candy becomes lightweight, airy, and quite crunchy. Gummy candies, for example, lose their chewiness and become more like a crispy meringue.
    Can any candy be freeze-dried, or are there some that wouldn't work?
    Candies with fillings or creamy centers may not freeze-dry well as the different textures can be affected unevenly. Candies with a very low moisture content may not have a significant texture change.
    Is freeze-dried candy lighter than regular candy?
    Yes, absolutely. Freeze-drying removes most of the water weight, making the candy significantly lighter and more compact.
    Does the freeze-drying process affect the sugar content in candy?
    No, freeze-drying only removes water, not the sugar itself. However, since the water is removed, the remaining concentrated candy might taste sweeter.
    How long does freeze-dried candy typically last compared to regular candy?
    Freeze-dried candy can last for years if stored properly in an airtight container and cool, dry place. Regular candy, depending on the type, can last months to a year.
    Can you rehydrate freeze-dried candy, and if so, what does it taste like?
    Technically, yes, but it wouldn't return to its original form. Rehydrating might make the candy slightly chewy again, but the texture won't be exactly the same and the flavor may be diluted.
    Does freeze-drying make candy more or less sweet?
    Freeze-drying itself doesn't change the sugar content, but because the water is removed, the remaining candy might taste subjectively sweeter due to the concentrated flavor.
    Is there a difference in how quickly freeze-dried candy dissolves in your mouth?
    Yes, freeze-dried candy with its lighter, airier texture often dissolves much faster in your mouth compared to regular candy.
    How does freeze-drying affect the color of candy?
    Freeze-drying shouldn't significantly alter the candy's color. However, some candies with natural dyes might see slight variations due to the drying process.
    Where can you typically buy freeze-dried candy?
    Freeze-dried candy is becoming more popular and can be found in specialty candy stores, online retailers, and some grocery stores.
